Elorah Veenendaal

Toddler group
School care
We are located in the Johannes Calvin School, with which we work closely
Employees with a Christian Reformed background
Every day we pray, sing and read from the Bible

Welcome at Elorah Veenendaal

Set the table in the home corner? Um, how many plates are needed then? Or lay a track for the Duplo train? Reading a book together on the couch? Making a craft at the table? Or make a 'cake' in the sandbox?

That's all possible at our cozy toddler group Elorah Veenendaal! Based on our Christian Reformed identity, we go every morning with the toddlers in the circle, to sing together, to pray and to listen to a Bible story. How special it is to introduce the children to the Bible message at a young age! In addition, we pay a lot of attention to the various development areas of the toddler.

Through targeted activities we stimulate playing together, self-reliance and cognitive development. But especially the language-speech development gets attention, by reading a lot, learning concepts and singing songs. In short; eye and heart for the young child!

Have you become interested and have you become curious about this toddler group with a classroom full of new furniture and play materials? Ask one guided tour or contact us [email protected]. A cozy team of sweet pedagogical employees is ready to offer your toddler a pleasant period, as a good preparation for the transition to primary school!

Rieneke Hertog
Branch manager

Contact information

Openings hours

  • Toddler group open Mon to Fri from 8.15am to 12.15pm
  • Toddler group 3+ on Monday and Thursday from 12:45 PM to 2:45 PM
  • BSO open on Mon, Tue and Thurs from 2.45 pm to 6.30 pm
  • Note: Adjusted opening hours apply on some days. Look for all closing days in the regulations.
Day care center LRK number: 312425831 Meer info en download GGD-rapport
LRK number BSO: 627115287 Meer info en download GGD-rapport