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In the media

Elorah launched in the media

Published September 5, 2022

Elorah has been launched in the media! With the start of the new school year, the Christian reformed branches of Kibeo work under the name Elorah. In recent years, the number of Christian reformed establishments has grown considerably. There is therefore an increasing need for its own vision, mission, pedagogical policy and its own way of communicating that matches the identity of the target group. Elorah is part of Kibeo as a label. Read the full press release below. Are you curious what the name Elorah means? Then read the article The meaning of Elorah and the logo. 

-Press release-
Goes, 30 August 2022

 Kibeo comes with Elorah, Christian reformed care and child development

Childcare organization Kibeo starts the new school year with Elorah: toddler groups, out-of-school care and childcare based on a Christian Reformed identity. Twenty existing Kibeo branches that already work from a reformatory identity, together form the new label Elorah. It is expected that Elorah will grow this year to about thirty branches, spread across the Netherlands.

Appropriate shelter for Christian reformed families

With Elorah, Kibeo is in line with the policy and identity of reformatory primary schools in the Netherlands. This ensures a low-threshold transition from toddler groups and day care to primary school. Elly Brand, director of Kibeo, says: “We like to offer parents and children with a Christian Reformed background a familiar environment. Toddler groups and childcare that are in line with the Biblical norms and values, the recognizable habits of the home and the identity of the primary school. With this appropriate pre-school education, we give every child the same development opportunities, regardless of their background”.

Child development and care with Biblical themes

Elorah offers various types of childcare, such as toddler groups (for children aged two to four), after-school care (for primary school children) and day care (for children aged zero to four). A day at Elorah starts with prayer, a story from the Bible and a psalm or song. The children then get to work with a VVE program based on the 'Doe meer met Bas' method. “Our identity is intertwined in the themes, how we treat each other and what we think is important to pass on to children. In addition, a child can be a real child with us. They can develop at their own pace,” says Arco Grisnigt, director of Elorah. Elorah attaches great value to childcare where the development of the child is central. The activities, materials, themes and methods stimulate various areas of development. Attention is also paid to the way of furnishing and the presence of various pedagogical corners. The program thus fully meets the requirements that the government sets for a VVE program.

What makes Elorah unique?

Elorah remains a part of Kibeo with its branches. It uses all the knowledge in the field of pedagogy, policy and safety of Kibeo, which guarantees quality. “We are a fast-growing label in childcare,” says Arco Grisnigt. “It is unique for the Netherlands that there is a shelter on this scale and with this professionalism, in which the Christian Reformed identity is the specific starting point”. All pedagogical employees at the branches have a Christian Reformed background. This creates a familiar environment for parents and child. An environment where children develop and grow in skills. In a simple way, children learn to respect God and what charity is. For a continuous learning line, Elorah works closely with Christian Reformed primary schools.

About Kibeo

Childcare organization Kibeo is constantly developing. With innovations, Kibeo responds to social developments and the demand from parents for appropriate support in the field of childcare and child development. At the same time, it keeps childcare accessible and affordable. At Kibeo, every child is given the opportunity to develop within a challenging and stimulating environment. The goal is to help children grow up to be healthy, social and responsible young adults. For the society of today and the future.

The pedagogical employees enjoy working every day at the 150 locations spread over Zeeland, South Holland, West Brabant, Utrecht and Gelderland. They receive about 9,500 children aged 0 to 12 years.

Launch Elorah

Article in Terdege's education special

The annual education special of Terdege, a magazine aimed at reformed families, is a great opportunity for the launch of Elorah. The vision and mission are explained in a two-page article. “We are a fast-growing label in childcare,” says Arco Grisnigt, label director of Elorah in the article. “It is unique for the Netherlands that there is a shelter on this scale and with this professionalism, where the Christian Reformed identity is the starting point.”


Read the whole article in Terdege
Launch Elorah

Elorah in Childcare Total

KinderopvangTotaal published two items about Elorah. An article based on the press release and an interview with Arco Grisnigt, director of Elorah. KinderopvangTotaal writes: “Childcare organization Kibeo comes with a new label: Elorah. Under this name, 21 branches in the Netherlands offer Christian Reformed childcare. And the demand for it appears to be great.” View the entire article online.

In the second article, Arco Grisnigt explains: “Despite the national secularization and depillarization, the demand for Christian Reformed childcare is growing. It is a very specific target group, but it is also a target group in which both parents increasingly work.” View the entire article online (only for subscribers).

View the item on kindergartentotal.nl